Letter to Parents About Concerns With Kidnergarten Reading

a pitcher with lots of pencils and pens insideFrom our series of model messages…because sometimes
you need to communicate with the school
about your child's educational activity.

Current equally of October 2017

This brusque publication comes from a much longer Parent's Guide that focuses on communicating with your kid'due south school via letter writing. There are times when y'all, as a parent, may want to communicate in writing with your child's school about some trouble or business organization with your child's teaching or well-being. Considering the Parent's Guide is so long, we decided it would be more convenient to our readers if each of the letters discussed in the guide was also available separately, to make reading and printing individual letters easier.

This page presents a model letter or e-mail yous might write the school to discuss a problem or business you have regarding your child.

  • Discussion
  • Full general alphabetic character-writing tips
  • Model letter of the alphabet


When might I want to write to my kid's schoolhouse?

Sometimes your child may have a detail trouble at school. You may have talked to your kid's teacher about this concern. The 2 of you lot may have written notes back and forth or talked on the phone. If it seems similar nothing is happening to resolve your business, so yous may want to write a formal letter of the alphabet. Perhaps the informal advice hasn't been as clear as y'all call up. Maybe yous feel that the seriousness of your concern isn't fully understood. By writing a letter, the school volition learn that you lot consider the matter to be an important ane that needs to be addressed.

You can write about any concern—an IEP issue, a general education outcome, school-yard bullying, or the demand to help your kid's social skills or meliorate behavior. There are no rules as to the type of problem you can write most. Whatsoever schoolhouse problem is worth writing nearly if information technology is having a negative impact on your kid and you lot demand the school's help to resolve it.

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Full general letter-writing tips

When writing whatsoever concern letter of the alphabet, it is important to keep information technology brusk and to the bespeak. Get-go, first by asking yourself the post-obit questions and land the answers in your letter:

  •  Why am I writing?
  • What are my specific concerns?
  • What are my questions?
  • What would I like the person to practice about this situation?
  • What sort of response do I want: a letter, a meeting, a phone telephone call, or something else?

Each letter yous write should include the following bones information:

  • Put the date on your alphabetic character.
  • Give your child's total name and the proper name of your kid's chief teacher or current form placement.
  • Say what yous desire, rather than what yous don't desire. Go along it uncomplicated.
  • Give your address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
  • Ever end your letter with a "give thanks you lot."

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 What are some other tips to go along in mind?

Y'all want to make a expert impression and so that the person reading your letter of the alphabet volition sympathize your asking and say "yeah." Call back, this person may not know you, your kid, or your child's situation. Go on the tone of your alphabetic character pleasant and pragmatic. Give the facts without letting acrimony, frustration, blame, or other negative emotions creep in. Some alphabetic character-writing tips include:

  • After you write your first draft, put the letter bated for a mean solar day or ii. And then look at it again and revise it with fresh eyes.
  • Read your letter as though you are the person receiving it. Is your request clear? Take you included the important facts? Does your alphabetic character ramble on and on? Is it likely to offend, or is the tone businesslike?
  • Have someone else read your alphabetic character for you. Is your reason for writing articulate? Tin the reader tell what yous are asking for? Would the reader say "yes" if he or she received this letter? Tin your letter be improved?
  • Use spell bank check and grammar bank check on the computer. Or ask someone reliable to edit your letter of the alphabet before you lot send it.
  • Keep a copy for your records.

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Model Letter

Today's Date (include month, twenty-four hours, and year)

Your Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Daytime phone number

Name of Primary
Name of School
Street Address
City, Land, Zip Code

Dear (Principal'southward name),

In this paragraph say who you are and requite your child's total name and current class placement. Say something positive about your child'southward situation hither, before you state your reason for writing.

BRIEFLY, explicate why yous are writing. Give relevant history and facts that back up your concerns. (For example, your 3rd grader is struggling in school and you desire to ask for help. You might say that your kid's school work has been getting worse throughout the year. That fact is relevant. Something from your kid's infancy probably isn't.)

In this paragraph state what you would like to take happen or what you would like to see changed. You may BRIEFLY say what you would not like, or what has been tried and not worked. However, spend nearly of this paragraph saying what you want.

Say what blazon of response you would prefer. For instance, do you need to meet with someone, do you desire a return letter or email, or will a phone phone call exist preferable?

Finally, requite your daytime phone number and land that you wait forrad to hearing from the person soon or give a date ("Delight reply by the 15th"). Cease the letter with "Cheers for your attending to this thing."


Your name

cc: your child's instructor
other staff

The "cc:" at the lesser of the letter of the alphabet means you are sending a copy of your letter of the alphabet to the people listed after the cc. If you write to the Director of Special Education well-nigh a problem at your child'south school, you should copy the principal. If you write to the principal nigh a problem, you should copy your child'southward instructor or other staff involved with your child. This follows the "chain of control." It besides lets people involved know your concerns and that you lot are taking steps to resolve these concerns.

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Would you like to read some other alphabetic character?

Discussing a trouble
(yous're already here)

Requesting a copy of your child's records

Requesting an evaluation for special educational activity services

Requesting an independent evaluation

Requesting a meeting to review your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP)
http://world wide web.parentcenterhub.org/iep-2/

Requesting a change in your child'south placement
http://world wide web.parentcenterhub.org/placement-2/

Informing the school that you intend to place your child in a private school at public expense
http://world wide web.parentcenterhub.org/private/

Requesting prior written notice
http://world wide web.parentcenterhub.org/detect/

Requesting mediation to resolve a conflict
http://world wide web.parentcenterhub.org/mediation-2/

Requesting a due process hearing to resolve a disharmonize

Filing a complaint with the State to resolve a conflict

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Source: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/problem/

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